What is an Email Preheader – Ideas and Best Practices

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Email Preheader

Do you know that a person in a professional setting receives around 121 emails per day? With 300 billion digital newsletters circulated in email channels daily, this should not surprise you. Neither should it take you aback that this staggering …

Thanksgiving Newsletter Ideas: Best Practices with Email Examples

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Best Practices for Thanksgiving Email Newsletters with Examples

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, on November 28, 2024. As we approach the holiday season, businesses have a unique opportunity to connect with their audience through Thanksgiving-themed newsletters. Whether you’re looking to thank your customers, launch holiday promotions, or …

October Newsletter Ideas and Examples for 2024

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October Email Newsletter Guide: Ideas and Examples

October invites us into the full swing of autumn. The heat is over, and cold, chilly weather comes into play. Mid-fall is more than an excuse to break out your cardigan collection; it is a golden opportunity for email marketing …

Emotion-Powered UX: Could Using Human Faces In Your Design Boost Engagement?

Emotion-Powered UX: Could Using Human Faces In Your Design Boost Engagement?

UX design is the artistic process of communicating with users. Like all forms of creative communication, UX design becomes more impactful when you can make it as heartfelt and emotional as possible. Finding new ways to conjure emotion with website …

Email Signature Design Guide: Best Practices and Examples


Email Signature Design - Guide, Best Practices and Examples

Looking to create a lasting impact with your brand? An effective email signature is your answer. Everyone wants to make a powerful first impression, and an optimized email signature design can help you achieve that. It’s not just about leaving …

Email Cadence Guide: How Many Emails Should be Sent per Week or Month

Email Cadence Guide

Humans are creatures of habit. We develop behaviors that will stay for a lifetime. We find it comfortable and stress-free to do the same thing. In this article, we’ll explore what email cadence is, why it’s essential, and how you …

16 Professional Free CSS and HTML Editors


Professional Free CSS and HTML Editors

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a particular type of web language that is used in order to describe the different semantics (that is the get up as well as the presentation) of a particular document. It is the most …

September Newsletter Ideas and Examples for 2024

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September Newsletter Ideas and Examples

With September approaching, summer and its carefree atmosphere are closing. Most people return from “vacation mode” and prepare for a more hectic schedule of balancing work, family, and personal life. Moods are shifting from cheerful to serious. In our September …

Email Design: The Ultimate Guide with Examples


Email Design: How to Create a Newsletter

We are talking a lot about how to create successful email campaigns, featuring guides for every occasion: transactional emails, re-engagement emails, seasonal emails (as summer emails, fall emails, winter emails, spring emails), holiday emails, etc. Here, we are looking at …

How to Create and Add Animation GIF in Email Newsletters

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How to Insert and Use Animated GIFs in Email Newsletters

The web is teeming with websites where videos, CSS dynamic effects, and WebGL-powered animations run the show, but what about the email newsletters and GIF images? In most cases, they are created with HTML and CSS, looking almost like a …